

ISSUE 2 | JUNE 2023


Supporting the Competitiveness of Cambodia’s Fisheries SMEs

The award ceremony for the Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) beneficiaries was held on 28 April 2023 in the august presence of H.E. Tina DITH, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ...

Leader Talks: Gunther Beger on UNIDO’s Role in Industrial Development in Cambodia

UNIDO’s Managing Director for the Directorate for SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation , Gunther Beger, spoke with the local media about ...

Manual: CQS Certification Scheme for Fish and Fishery Products

Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is a prestigious certification scheme owned by the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control (DFPTQ) under the Fisheries ...

EU Directorate General for International Partnership (DG INTPA) visited CAPFISH enterprises

A high-level delegation from the DG INTPA visited two VCIS-supported enterprises in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to learn about the progress of project ...

Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture EU-funded Projects: State of Play

The CAPFISH-Capture project has been highlighted in an EU flagship publication ...

Food Safety Forum in Vienna

Cambodia delegation, led by the former of MAFF minister, attended the Vienna Food Safety Forum 2022 held at UNIDO headquarters on 3-5 October 2022 ...

Official Study Visit to Brussels

To enhance the understanding of the EU food safety regulatory framework and official control system, the Cambodian delegation, led by the former minister of MAFF ...

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Modernizing Cambodia’s Post-harvest Fisheries

The CAPFISH-Capture project has provided technical and equipment support to Cambodia’s post-harvest fisheries enterprises to adopt innovative technologies for their growth and improved food safety and hygiene compliance.

UNIDO Annual Report 2022

2022 was a challenging year for all of us. To play its role more effectively, UNIDO implemented an ambitious organizational reform in 2023. The CAPFISH-Capture project was highlighted in the report as one of the flagship programs.

Enterprises Sharing Their Experiences Benefiting from VCIS

Hear voices from three enterprises about how the CAPFISH-Capture project’s VCIS has contributed to their upgraded facilities, operations, and new market opportunities.


Consultation Workshop on Private Sector Compliance and Official Control: A Roadmap Towards the DG SANTE Audit

Organized on 17 May 2023 to discuss critical elements of the food safety system, gather more inputs, and receive suggestions from stakeholders to finalize the Official Control Protocol and a roadmap to support the Fisheries Administration (FiA) to effectively implement official control for ensuring the safety and quality of fish and fishery products along the product chain and to prepare audit-readiness for the EU General Directorate for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) audit.

Stakeholder Consultation Workshops on GI Roadmap for Fisheries Products

Conducted on 02 May and 27 May 2023 to collect progress data or information on the Geographical Indication (GI) implementation of fisheries products such as the Kampot Fish Sauce and Siem Reap Fish Paste. The workshops also aimed to conduct a capacity need assessment and commitment of concerned government and private sector actors for the GI registration, implementation, and promotional activities. The result of the discussion and input collection from the stakeholders is essential for developing the roadmap and risk mitigation strategy for the GI implementation for the two fishery products.

Training Workshop on Food Safety Information Management System

Organized on 25-26 April 2023 to strengthen the capacity of food inspectors and update FSIMS database to align with the latest updated regulations of the EU on the Natural Residue Monitoring Programme (NRMP). FSIMS is developed to digitize NRMP and inspection data, as well as to list the inspected farms (under NRMP) and fisheries establishments in a web-based database system. The system supports the FiA in collecting, managing, analyzing, and reporting NRMP and inspection data in a more efficient and transparent way.

Courtesy calls with the Ministers of MISTI and MAFF

Led by UNIDO’s Managing Director Gunther Beger, UNIDO team paid a separate courtesy call on H.E. Prasidh CHAM, Senior Minister of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI) and H.E. Dith Tina DITH, Minster of MAFF, respectively, on 27 April 2023. The purpose of the courtesy calls was to exchange views on how UNIDO could further support the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and the possibilities for more collaboration with the two ministries.

Courtesy calls with the EU Ambassador and the German Ambassador to Cambodia

On 27 April 2023, Gunther Beger met with H.E. Carmen Moreno, EU Ambassador to Cambodia and appreciated the EU’s excellent collaboration with UNIDO at the global and country level, especially, for their support for the CAPFISH programme. Beger also reiterated UNIDO’s readiness to work with EU in their programmes, given UNIDO’s extensive experience in standard certification and sustainable value chain. Gunther Beger also met Stenfan Messerer, German Ambassador to Cambodia, and discussed the interest of MISTI and MAFF to work with UNIDO on agri-food value chain (cashew, spices, etc.) and quality infrastructure, laboratory acceleration, etc. UNIDO would be ready to work with German entities to support the Royal Government of Cambodia’s development agenda.

MAFF, EUD and UNIDO Visited Leang Leng Fish Sauce Enterprise

H.E. Has Sareth, Secretary of State of MAFF, Bryan Fornari, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation (EDU) to Cambodia, and Gunther Beger, UNIDO’s Managing Director, paid a visit to Leang Leng Fish Sauce Enterprise, one of VCIS awardees to witness the impact of the project’s intervention.

Cambodia Submitted National Residue Monitoring Programme Results for the Year 2022

Annual report of the National Residue Monitoring Programme (NRMP) of 2022 and plan for 2023-2024 released and submitted to DG-SANTE last 31 March 2023. The report details the findings of NRMP in 2022 regarding the monitoring of residues and environmental contaminants in aquaculture products in Cambodia, as well as highlights vital recommendations for improving the performance of NRMP in the upcoming year. Cambodia is now in the four-year of implementation of the NRMP program, and the country is planning to invite the DG-SANTE to conduct an audit on NRMP implementation and official control system for possible listing Cambodia in the list of accepted countries to export fish and fishery products to the EU markets.

FTRIP: Operations Management and Steering Committee Meeting

Presided over by the leadership of the FiA and MISTI, and the members of the Food Technology and Research Innovation Platform (FTRIP), the Operations Meeting and Steering Committee Meetings were organized on 16-17 March 2023 to endorse eight research proposals worth US$150,000, funded by the CAPFISH-Capture project. These research proposals focus on innovation in processing technologies, improved nutritional content, food safety and quality, shelf-life, and new product development.

14th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development

Under its theme: Innovation and Green Technology for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development, the conference was co-supported by the FTRIP. The conference was organized on 04 March 2023 by the Royal University of Agriculture. Cambodian scientists shared experiences and networked with researchers and experts from more than 16 countries for future collaborations, further strengthening the research and development (R&D) ecosystem and promoting innovations to contribute to Cambodia’s sustainable development.

Training Course on Food Safety and CQS Certification System

Conducted on 27 February 2023 for the awardees of the CAPFISH-Capture project’s VCIS to improve their general knowledge about food safety and the CQS scheme. CQS aims to create a brand image for Cambodian fish and fishery products, ensuring quality and safety compliance among certified food processing enterprises. On-site coaching is also provided to the selected enterprises to ensure they are CQS audit ready.

Training Workshops on Environmental and Social Safeguards for Stakeholders in the Fisheries Sector

Organized on 24 February 2023 to raise awareness among the relevant government institutions about pollution prevention, occupational health and safety, gender equality, and child labour prevention. Understanding the critical environmental and social risks and mitigation measures in the post-harvest fishery sector is crucial for the CAPFISH-Capture project’s achievements.

Training on the Requirements and Procedures of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Organized on 23-25 November 2023, this training is part of the technical support under the VCIS scheme, provided to the selected enterprises for their improved competitiveness and better market access for fish and fishery products.

TOT Programme on Business Development Service (BDS) for Agri-food and the Fisheries Sector

Organized on 10 August 2022, this training of trainers (TOR) programme is a series of training to develop the capacity of local experts on business diagnosis, business plan and development, food safety, and access to finance for upgrading business operations in the post-harvest fishery value chain.


What is CQS?
Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is the first voluntary certification scheme to provide the assurance that hygiene controls applied by fish and fishery operators result in safe food products in line with national regulations and international food safety requirements. The scheme requires fish and fishery establishments in Cambodia to implement minimum hygiene and sanitation requirements.
What is VCIS?
Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) is a co-investment facility aiming to support eligible post-harvest fisheries enterprises to upgrade their business operations to meet food safety requirements.
What is FTRIP?
Food Technology, Research, and Innovation Platform (FTRIP) is established under the CAPFISH-Capture project to promote research and development (R&D), innovation, and knowledge transfer to enhance post-harvest processing quality and productivity.
Perception on Food Safety
Food safety awareness survey conducted by the CAPFISH-Capture project shows that many of the respondents reported not knowing the difference between certified and non-certified products, and therefore the assumption is that many enterprises are not aware of the benefits of certifying their products either.


Launch of Value Chain Investment Support-Fast Track Scheme (VCIS-FTS) Round 2

Launch of Investment Support Facility (ISF)

FTRIP Second Call for Proposal for Additional Research Funding Support

Food Safety Day: CQS Award Ceremony for Successful Enterprises (August 2023)

PHNOM PENH – In Cambodia, post-harvest fishery activities employ an estimated 33,000 people, the majority of them women, and the sector is one of the country’s main sources of income generation and job creation.

However, the sector is represented by micro and small informal enterprises, which are fragmented and constrained by a lack of access to finance, technologies, markets, and tailored business development technical support. They produce a variety of agri-food and fish and fishery products with inadequate hygienic and food safety practices, and thus struggle to compete with imported products and to export to global markets.

The CAPFISH-Capture: Post-harvest Fisheries Development project focuses on building capacities of businesses as well as the country’s support institutions. The project is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in cooperation with Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA), support institutions and private sector fishery businesses.

Part of the project is Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS), a co-investment scheme, launched in August 2021, which incentivizes enterprises in Cambodia’s post-harvest fisheries to upgrade their business operations and implement food safety and social and environmental standards. At least 200 fisheries processing enterprises are being targeted for the support to improve competitiveness and market access. Twenty-eight enterprises have been selected to receive technical and investment support, and at a recent ceremony representatives received technology, equipment and materials needed for more effective and efficient business operations and production, and improved compliance with food safety and environmental requirements.

Solar dryer domes and solar panels are examples of green technologies promoted under the VCIS scheme, while the equipment and materials included water treatment machines, packing machines, hot air-dryer machines, rapid freezers and cold storage facilities. At the handover ceremony, Gunther Beger, Managing Director of UNIDO’s Directorate for SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation, said the EU-funded CAPFISH programme “gives us a big opportunity to promote green industrialization and build sustainable value chains for poverty reduction and job creation to make the agri-food sector the engine for growth and prosperity in the country.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Carmen Moreno, Ambassador of the European Union to Cambodia, highlighted the importance of “contributing together to the development of a greener, more competitive and connected economy, and of promoting Cambodian small and medium enterprises’ integration into ASEAN and global markets.”

Morena continued, “To achieve this goal, compliance with food safety standards, such as certification systems, is essential” and “is needed to access any market, and get ready for the most valuable markets, such as the European Union”

Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, emphasized the importance of the fisheries sector in Cambodia and appreciated the CAPFISH programme as strong support from the European Union. He commented that “CAPFISH supports are in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia policy to promote food safety and access to international markets and to improve the fishery value chain.”

The EU’s Moreno said she believes that the success of the VCIS intervention can be replicated for other agricultural commodities rather than just fish and fishery products. “It is in line with the European Union’s commitment to supporting a green economy in Cambodia by focusing on the food, agriculture and forests sector, including the agro-processing industry.”

For more information, please contact:

Chhoun Chamnan, Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control (DFPTQ) of the Fisheries Administration

Samruol Im, National Communication and Visibility Expert for the CAPFISH-Capture project

Pok Poun, Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation to Cambodia
Cambodia Investment Review UNIDO’s Managing Director for the Directorate for SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation Mr. Gunther Beger spoke with CIR Leader Talks on how the UN’s specialized agency the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) plays a pivotal role in promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development around the globe as well as UNIDO’s mission in Cambodia and its efforts to support the country’s industrial development.

Mr. Beger began by explaining UNIDO’s mandate: “UNIDO is committed to promoting, dynamizing, and accelerating industrial development in an inclusive and sustainable manner. Our mandate is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9, but UNIDO’s activities contribute to all the SDGs.

We provide support to 171 Member States, and our Directorate is responsible for developing innovative technical cooperation concepts, identifying new sources and means of finance, and entering into new partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders.” More than 10 years of operations in Cambodia He further elaborated on UNIDO’s ongoing mission in Cambodia, which has been active since 2013 in various sectors such as quality infrastructure, accreditation of testing laboratories, private sector development, renewable energy, environmental sustainability, and research and development (R&D).

The current mission is focused on awarding select post-harvest fishery enterprises with Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) under the European Union (EU) co-funded CAPFISH-Capture project. The VCIS support includes providing equipment and materials to these enterprises, assisting in their post-COVID-19 recovery and business growth. Mr. Beger emphasized that the mission also helps to strengthen collaboration between UNIDO and Cambodian counterparts.

When asked about UNIDO’s priority support areas in Cambodia, Mr. Beger explained that their activities are conducted under the framework called UNIDO’s Programme for Country Partnership for Cambodia (PCP Cambodia), which was introduced in 2017. PCP Cambodia supports the implementation of Cambodia’s Industrial Development Policy (2015-2025) and the country’s overall goal of achieving its upper-middle-income status by 2030. Sustainable and inclusive economic development Mr. Beger highlighted some of the key interventions by UNIDO in Cambodia, including their major EU flagship project supporting the fisheries sector. Through this project, UNIDO assists the sector to upgrade business operations, ensure the production of safer products, and improve competitiveness and access to better markets.

He also mentioned UNIDO’s support for the Fisheries Administration in developing a food safety system, accrediting testing laboratories, strengthening value chains, and promoting research and development. The expected outcomes of these interventions, according to Mr. Beger, include safer fish and fishery products, better public health, more export opportunities, and a higher contribution to the national economy in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

To make a greater impact, Mr. Beger stressed the need for scaling up these approaches to other agricultural value chains, more investment in post-harvest handling and processing, and better coordination between the government and the development community. Collaboration with Cambodia’s private sector In terms of collaboration with the local private sector, Mr. Beger explained that UNIDO focuses on the sustainability of its interventions. This is achieved by providing environmentally friendly and sustainable processing equipment, training local experts to become certified Business Development Service providers, linking academia with the private sector, and creating lasting market linkages between beneficiary enterprises and potential buyers.

Mr. Beger further emphasized UNIDO’s ongoing commitment to Cambodia’s industrial development: “UNIDO is devoted to supporting the Cambodian private sector for ongoing sustainability, working closely with the government and other stakeholders to achieve the SDGs and national goals in the country. Our work in Cambodia is a testament to our global mission to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development for all.”

“Additionally, UNIDO also provides training to local experts to become certified Business Development Service providers. The certified trainers will continue to advise and support local enterprises even after the conclusion of UNIDO’s intervention,” Mr. Beger said.

UNIDO has so far provided technical assistance and capacity building to 55 factories and enterprises across the country to implement integrated tools for resource efficiency and cleaner productions as well as support to piggery commercial and agro farms to turn waste into biogas energy.

“Another example is UNIDO’s active role in linking the Academia with the private sector, in order to address the private sector’s needs through research grants. This is done through the creation of innovative and sustainable food technologies and products. Moreover, UNIDO is working with other sister UN agencies and Ministries on partnerships for actions on green economy,” Mr. Beger added.

As UNIDO continues to advance its mission in Cambodia and around the world, its efforts in fostering industrial development, supporting economic transformation, and promoting innovation have the potential to bring lasting positive change. Through tailored interventions and strategic partnerships, UNIDO remains dedicated to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals and the betterment of communities worldwide.
Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is a prestigious certification scheme owned by the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control (DFPTQ) under the Fisheries Administration (FiA). It was established specifically for fish and fishery products to recognize business operators in Cambodia for their commitment to high-quality and safe products. This seal is awarded to companies that meet rigorous standards of excellence in safety, quality, environmental responsibility, gender equality, child labour prevention, and customer satisfaction. The CQS is a symbol of trust and reliability, and it is highly sought after by businesses looking to distinguish themselves in the competitive market. With the CQS, consumers can be confident that they are choosing products that are verified to meet the highest standards of quality.
On 2 February 2023, UNIDO, as part of the Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Capture component (CaPFish Capture), co-funded by the EU and implemented by UNIDO, organized a field visit for high-level delegation from the EU Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) to two beneficiary enterprises in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Visit was aimed to learn about the progress of the CAPFish implementation and its support to the enterprises. The DG INTPA representatives are in the country to make strategic decisions on the new EU programming period (2021-2027).

CAPFish team briefed the EU delegates on the project activities and achievements, focusing on establishment of a voluntary certification scheme – Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) – and implementation of the Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS). The VCIS supports the enterprises along the fishery value chain to upgrade their operations, increase productivity, and advance food safety practices, thus improving competitiveness and access to markets, including EU. Following a transparent process, so far around 1 million EUR was awarded to 39 enterprises, through equipment and technical assistance provision, leveraging additional EUR 1.2 million investment from the private sector. The positive effects of the support will be felt in 400+ additional enterprises along the value chain, helping to either retain or create around 450 jobs.

Enterprises showcased CAPFish support and their own achievements in terms of upgraded facilities, improved hygiene and food safety practices, increased sales, higher product prices, and new market opportunities. They highlighted the key role of the CQS in private sector development and access to new markets. CQS aims to create a brand image for Cambodian fishery products, ensuring quality and safety compliance among the certified enterprises.
The CAPFISH-Capture project has been highlighted in an EU flagship publication published recently. The document, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture EU-funded Projects: State of Play, 2021, is now online:
Cambodia delegation, led by the former minister of MAFF, attended the Vienna Food Safety Forum 2022 held at UNIDO headquarters on 3-5 October 2022, where food safety stakeholders from the public and private sectors and academia exchanged experiences on the digital transformation of food safety practices. During the forum, the minister delivered a speech highlighting the recent development of agro-industry development in Cambodia, key food safety issues, and the ongoing government efforts to promote food safety. Addressing food safety issues not only promotes public health but also achieves Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including zero hunger, no poverty, economic growth, innovation, responsible consumption and production, and climate actions.
To enhance the understanding of the EU food safety regulatory framework and official control system, the Cambodian delegation, led by the former minister of MAFF, visited the border control post in the port of Antwerp and the EU DG-SANTE last 6-7 October 2022. The meeting with DG-SANTE was to report on the progress made under the CAPFISH-Capture Postharvest Project and the action plans of FiA on strengthening the legal framework and Competent Authority for the possible listing of Cambodia in the EU list of eligible countries to export fish and fishery products to the EU markets.