



Rebranding Cambodia’s Fish and Fishery Products through Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS)

A newly developed voluntary certification scheme called Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is ready for its certification services to certify Cambodia ’s fish and fishery products complying with food safety requirements towards better market access and public health protection.

Accreditation of Laboratory in Cambodia through CAPFish-CAPTURE Project Support

EU-funded “Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Capture component” (CAPFish-Capture), implemented by UNIDO in Cambodia, achieved a great success in attaining accreditation of Laboratory of Environment and Food Safety (LEFS) of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC). This achievement was the result of continued technical support to IPC

EU and UNIDO support post-harvest fishery value chain upgrading in Cambodia

UNIDO- European Union (EU) flagship CAPFish project in Cambodia awarded the support to 17 enterprises in post-harvest fishery value chain, worth USD 550,000 in equipment and USD 150,000 in technical assistance on business development, food safety and market linkages. The awards under the CAPFish Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) scheme, were handed over by Veng Sakhon

First EU-sponsored Food Technology Research and Innovation Platform Launched to Boost Export and Development of Cambodia’s Fishery Products

With financial support of the European Union, CAPFish project launched its newly imitative platform, Food Technology, Research and Innovation Platform (FTRIP). FTRIP is setup as an innovative, multi-stakeholder collaborative mechanism between

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Gender Equality Today for Sustainable Growth of Post-harvest Fisheries Tomorrow !!!

CAPFish project was highlighted in the video of UNIDO-EU State of theinternational partnership 2021

UNIDO-EU State of the international partnership 2021

CAPFish project was highlighted in the video of UNIDO-EU State of the
international partnership 2021

Gender Equality as Key to Climate Action

Beneficiaries of CAPFish project shared their experiences as woman entrepreneurs and how they contribute to promote sustainable fishery development in Cambodia in the Webinar of Stockholm+50 ‘s associated event.


A courtesy call on Minister of Agriculture

CAPFish team paid a courtesy call on H.E Minister Dith Tina, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to brief on activities of the project in post harvest fisheries development sector.

The Future Export of Cambodia’s Fishery Products

The Delegation of European Union to Cambodia, Fisheries Administration and UNIDO organized an official meeting with representative of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) together with relevant key actors to share strategic plan particularly the implementation of National Residue Monitoring Programme (NRMP) to prepare Cambodia to be an eligible country to export fishery products to the EU market.

Capacity building on Inspection Procedure of Quality and Safety of Fish and Fishery Products

CAPFish project and IDFPTQ organised a training for competent authorities and cantonment officials from 17 provinces and municipalities across Cambodia.

Capacity strengthening on requirements and procedures of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Awarded enterprises of CAPFish’s Value Chain Investment Support received a training on HACCP in order to improve their competitiveness and attain better market access for fishery products.

Training on food safety and Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) certification system for a group of 10 fishery enterprises

The training was designed to provide technical knowledge on food safety principles, particularly the requirements for CQS certification. Enterprise-specific gap assessment and tailored coaching will be conducted to get enterprises audit-ready for certification.

Stakeholder consultation workshop on food safety legal framework in agri-food and fisheries sectors: Current Situation, Challenges and Roadmap

The workshop brought together stakeholders of agriculture and related sectors to discuss mandates of key authorities and identify priority needs to improve the food safety control system in agri-food sector.

Training of Trainers Program on Business Development Service (BDS) for Agri-food and Fishery Sectors (Phase I)

The training aimed at developing capacity of local experts on business development for upgrading business operations in agri-food value chain including fisheries. A series of trainings will be provided through this Training of Trainers program, focusing on business diagnosis, business plan development, food safety, and access to finance for upgrading business operations in post-harvest fishery value chain.


What is CQS?
CQS: Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is the first voluntary certification scheme to provide the assurance that hygiene controls applied by fish and fishery operators result in safe food products in line with national regulations and international food safety requirements. The scheme requires fish and fishery establishments in Cambodia to implement minimum hygiene and sanitation requirements.
Perception on Food Safety?
Perception on Food Safety: The current CAPFish ’s Food Safety Awareness Survey conducted by UNIDO shows that many of the respondents reported not knowing the difference, between certified and non-certified products, and therefore the assumption is that many are not aware of benefits of certifying their products either.
Private Sector in Post-havest fisheries?
Private sector in Post -harvest Fisheries: Current research conducted by Nuppun Institute for Economic Research shows that a majority of the fishery businesses were still operating in familial pattern, performing their book keeping manually, with annual turnover below 62,250 USD and without any registration and standard certification.
Perception on Food Safety?
Fisheries sector in Cambodia: Around three million people (20 per cent of the population) rely directly on fisheries for sustenance and livelihood7 and post-harvest activities employ an estimated 33,000 persons, the majority of whom are women.


Manual book on Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) to be officially published for relevant stakeholders early 2023.

Online campaign to promote public awareness of food safety to kick off in September 2022, aiming to reach 2 million viewers on social media.

A newly developed voluntary certification scheme called Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) is ready for its certification services to certify Cambodia ’s fish and fishery products complying with food safety requirements towards better market access and public health protection.

Managing by the Fisheries Administration (FiA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), CQS certification scheme was initiated to promote the implementation of good hygiene practices, food safety, and quality management systems as well as to add value to the fish and fishery products in Cambodia. As the first ever food safety certification scheme in Cambodia for fish and fishery products, the CQS is served as a communication tool among the key actors of fisheries value chains towards building consumer trust, protecting public health, and enhancing market access and expert.

With the funding support from the European Union and technical support from UNIDO through   CAPFish-Capture: Post harvest Fisheries Development project, the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technology and Quality Control of FiA will be in charge of providing CQS certification services. Processing enterprises, fishing vessels, landing sites, qualified distributors, and retailers such as supermarkets and minimarts are eligible to apply for CQS certification.   “The launching of the CQS is another milestone that I hope will support Cambodia’s fishery industry to be more competitive, particularly fish processing enterprises to scale up and meet food safety andregional and international markets requirements. With the support of CAPFish project through Value Chain Investment Support Scheme, I sincerely hope that the CQS logo will soon be found on fishery products at supermarkets and minimarts in Cambodia. Our shared visions, commitment and dedication to promote safe and quality fishery products have made the CQS launching a reality,” HE. HAS Sareth, MAFF Secretary of State.
EU-funded “Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Capture component” (CAPFish-Capture), implemented by UNIDO in Cambodia, achieved a great success in attaining accreditation of Laboratory of Environment and Food Safety (LEFS) of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC). This achievement was the result of continued technical support to IPC after the official partnership agreement signed between both parties. The accreditation was officially awarded by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) on 6 September 2022. IAS is an internationally recognized accreditation body which maintains signatory under Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC), International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). The certificate of accreditation with the scope can be found on IAS website.

The accreditation to this lab will help Cambodia in achieving national and international recognition of test results and so the quality and safety of fishery products. This also allows Cambodia to improve its exports of processed agricultural products, including fishery products to other potential importing countries, particularly ASEAN, China and the EU. Currently, such accredited testing facilities in the country are quite limited and the Kingdom depends heavily on the accredited laboratories in the neighboring countries for food testing, which is both time consuming and costing.

‘‘The IPC wishes to thank UNIDO and EU via CAPFish-Capture: Post harvest Fisheries Development project, for their continuous technical assistance supports during this accreditation process. It is another step of IPC’s goal to improve the quality of laboratory services in order to ensure the results accuracy for clients. Accreditation of such a laboratory will be useful to serve the industry in Cambodia including food and fishery businesses,’’ IPC emphasized the advantages of the accreditation for its clients particularly Cambodia in its recent public announcement.
UNIDO- European Union (EU) flagship CAPFish project in Cambodia awarded the support to 17 enterprises in post-harvest fishery value chain, worth USD 550,000 in equipment and USD 150,000 in technical assistance on business development, food safety and market linkages. The awards under the CAPFish Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) scheme, were handed over by Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia. Over 100 participants attended the event.

Speaking on the award ceremony, Dejene Tezera, UNIDO’s Director of Department of Agri-Business, stated “This intervention is very important now, as we are witnessing the COVID-19 implications. At UNIDO, we are adapting and tailoring integrated service packages to the specific needs of private sector enterprises leading to the recovery and transformation towards stronger, inclusive, and sustainable development”.

This is only the first batch out of a total of 39 lead enterprises and over 400 associated value chain partners that will be supported under this scheme. The enterprises were selected through a transparent and participatory process. In addition to support to upgrade their businesses, they will be coached towards reaching various food safety standards and certifications. The focus will be on Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) certificate, established by Cambodian authorities, and based on the scheme developed and supported by the CAPFish project. CQS aims to create a brand image for Cambodian fish and fishery products, ensuring quality and safety compliance among the certified enterprises. The supported enterprises will upgrade their businesses and food safety systems, with the ultimate goal to reach regional and global markets, including the European Union.
With financial support of the European Union, CAPFish project launched its newly imitative platform, Food Technology, Research and Innovation Platform (FTRIP). FTRIP is setup as an innovative, multi-stakeholder collaborative mechanism between government organizations, higher education institutions and private sector. The platform aims to promote R&D and innovation in the food / agri-food production sector, particularly for the development of fishery products in Cambodia.

As an innovative public-academia-private partnership, FTRIP will further bolster capacities in applied research of higher education institutions in Cambodia to serve the post-harvest fishery production sector in particular and the food production sector in general. The kick off FTIRP operation is an important milestone of the UNIDO-CAPFish project to support the Government of Cambodia in promoting science, technology and innovation. With financial support of the EU, CAPFish regards the platform as one of the sustainable support mechanisms to bring together the government, academia and private sector, to promote research and product and technology innovation, which is much needed for the sustainable development of fisheries sector in Cambodia.

“Leveraging and sustaining fishery sector development needs a holistic approach by strengthening institutional mechanisms, research and the development on newer technologies and products, consumer awareness and demand. Such institutional mechanisms encourage investments in the fisheries sector, boosting entrepreneurial activity. The proposed Food Technology, Research, and Innovation Platform of CAPFish programme can play a key role in boosting research and development,’’ said Ms. Carmen MORENO, EU Ambassador to Cambodia